Welcome to our Free Resources for you to begin your Power Feng Shui journey.

Using these articles you will be able to get started with how to jump start your home’s Sacred Space. Simply click on the titles of the articles below.

There are additional blog articles posted continuously with fresh options for you so be sure and check there frequently.

Alex Shaw can be reached at 972.504.6824 in Dallas or toll free at 1.888.551.4869 for a personal Consultation with you.  This can be done in person in the Dallas area, on Skype, or over the phone.  Call her to begin for yourself the amazing energies of Feng Shui in your life and those you love or work with. Changes are only a phone call away for maximizing your potential to its highest level.

Thank you for visiting www.Powerfengshui.info and we welcome any suggestions you may have for future articles. Contact Alex at Iconalex@aol.com

May your life become incredibly auspicious with the Power Feng Shui available here.

Alexandra Shaw


Bagua: Feng Shui Power Key

Beginning quick tips for energy balance

Create small altar any place to lift Holy Spirit Ch’i energies

Welcome to your personal vision quest

Honor your ancestors and they will bless your prosperity

Ancestors wealth prosperity blessing

Golden prosperity animal magnetism

Fish for prosperity

Lucky bamboo plant for Tara Royal Equestrian

Power Feng Shui lucky jade plant for prosperity

Double happiness ancient symbol

Fresh flowers bring uplifting Ch’i energies

Use dripping grapes to create abundance in the kitchen

Pyramid feng shui relationship prosperity power draws

Color blue helps children change study habits, homework and builds self-esteem

Twins Nicolle & Allison’s victory wall

Power feng shui for success real estate tips

Wisdom of Albert Einstein

Classic Greek key is huge power prosperity draw

Golden dragon guards entry

Create dining room prosperity Ch’i changes with golden dragons