People are all seeking a deal. We want to save money and get the very best price. Several months ago I was in the home of a Ft. Worth couple that were incredibly pleased they had made a huge deal that saved them tons of money on a foreclosed home.  It was in the best neighborhood, upwards of $750,000 they told me and they got it for about $200,000 less. They believed the deal was the very best one for them.

Recently I went on a Power Feng Shui Real Estate appraisal for a young Chinese couple buying a new home and expecting their first child. The first thing they told me when I got out of the car was “This house is not a repo or a foreclosure. There is no bad luck if we buy this house, from buying other people’s bad luck.”

The Chinese have been familiar with Feng Shui disciplines and customs for over 6,000 years. They know exactly what to look for, all of the ups and downs of the home’s placement, the land’s topography and geography, money running downhill if the land runs down to a lower level than the home sits upon, the disadvantages of living in a cul de sac which is a real “dead end” in life and so many more critical issues regarding the Feng Shui and the perspective new home and location.

Buying into someone else’s misfortune is basically agreeing to receive the identical bad luck into your life. It is a form of transference of the energies the home contains, from the previous owner. Poverty, illness, bad luck will all transfer is the ancient Chinese Feng Shui belief right into your life.

My Ft. Worth clients had already bought their home. They did not ask any questions about the foreclosure. They were thrilled. They were completely unaware of the money troubles they have bought into. Within months, the HVAC went out, the termites showed up, the water heater died, the garage door opener died, locking the cars inside on a weekend with the wife at home alone and unable to get out of her own garage, and the pool operating system died.  All of these things were working when they moved in.  It became a nightmare within months.

They called me to ask if their home was cursed.  Although I was hoping that buying a repossessed home in this case would work out, it had caught up with them in the very energy of the property that was abandoned by the former owner. I knew I had to level with them about buying the problems of others that abandoned the home or became bankrupt in their finances. If they had asked me before they bought it I would have told them.  I was called afterward, and the purchase had already been made.  All of these “money pit” problems had to be fixed.  It was their decision, as it always is, what they buy and decide upon for their lives.

I highly recommend that you Never buy into the bad luck energies of a repossessed home of an owner that had to declare bankruptcy. It will only make life much more expensive and you will have to outlive the bad luck energies that often run as long as seven years time.  I actually have had clients that did buy into these circumstances and have told me that the bad luck seemed to lift after they lived there for seven years and had made repairs and replaced all dysfunctional issues. These were intelligent clients that kept up with all expenses on a spread sheet and told me when things turned around that seven complete years had passed.  I have no idea why it has been seven years in these cases, as there is no feng shui information on these topics.  Seven years is a very long time.  Be very cautious of buying bad luck in homes even if it is what appears to be a really great deal.  It will not be in the end.

Also do Not buy a home when the planet Mercury is in Retrograde when things never come together as you have planned.  Emotions run high, people are agitated, angers erupt, and deals never conclude as you thought they would.  There are delays and slow-downs that you never planned for, expenses running out of control, and disappointments galore. Electronic meltdowns occur and major misunderstandings with others.  This is Not the time to do remodeling changes, or deal with contractors.  It will not end well.

The Chinese couple on the other hand, knew exactly what to avoid when buying a home. There will be a huge difference in their success in their new home as opposed to the Ft. Worth clients that bought “bad money luck” when they made their foreclosure deal.

Everything that looks like a good deal isn’t necessarily the case.  Remember that when you go house shopping.  Select carefully.  Ask questions…Why did they move? Did they get a divorce? Did they have medical problems? Did they lose their job? Did they experience misfortune while living there? Did they declare bankruptcy? Were there structural problems or issues that caused the prior residents to move or abandon the property? All of these different complications could have a very bad impact upon your life if you buy into these unnecessary choices for your own life.

Even if it is a killer deal, you don’t want the bad karma killing your future prospects, options, and money making ability in the home of someone that failed in their lives, in some way. You only want victories for yourself, your family, and their futures.

Dead end streets also bring “dead ends” into your life in many ways.  You simply never get what you desire to achieve, as everything becomes a “dead end” for you. When the Ch’i, the Cosmic Breathe of God/The Life Force blows into your cul de sac it has no way to reconnect with the energies that are circling and reconnecting to the flow of the street’s energy.  It simply blows off the back of the property, as do your finances symbolically. Not good Feng Shui.

Sound silly to you?  6,000 years of Feng Shui from China has been working right along to keep the practice of Feng Shui alive and well, and bringing people harmony, balance, and peace, joy and love, career advantages, plus abundance and good health. There must be something to it.  Discover it for yourself.

Protect yourself from “bad money luck” by NOT buying someone else’s bad luck. You will not be sorry.

Alexandra Shaw has been consulting on client’s homes since 1995 and has created major successes and victories by using the furniture, art, pictures, and functional objects that clients already own.  It is not necessary to buy new things.  Using things that are inherited that they treasure from your loved ones have the blessing of those family members loving those things during their time of ownership.  These things have a blessing on them as they were treasured before they came to you.  Symbolically they have an “anointing of love” upon them from the past owners.  These emotions often mean a lot to those that loved the previous family members so much. For that reason Alex prefers to use what you already own and save you money.  Having a Power Feng Shui Consultation will be one of the best decisions you have ever made.  Call Alex at 1.888.551.4869 for a prompt reply.

Waterfalls, travel, power feng shui, feng shui, insights

Alexandra Shaw, Certified Professional Power Feng Shui Consultant since 1995.  Superior results. References available.