Last summer I was driving along and suddenly I saw this sign.  At first I laughed.  Then I thought about all the implications these words have.

Even when I was a child over 70 years ago the words “Honk if you love Jesus” were quite well known.  It was a friendly greeting to others in much tamer times.

We are so much more “tech savvy” now.  We text everywhere we go.

Texting is so dangerous when driving.  We not only risk our lives we risk the lives of countless others that do not deserve to have harm or death come to them because of our selfishness and carelessness.  Never text and drive.

I quit laughing and thought of how instantly, without a moment’s notice death could come from nowhere if we choose the irresponsibility of texting.  Texting is NOT a matter of life and death.  Or it could be.  It is all a choice for you.  Make a safe choice and choose life.  More than that choose “Life Everlasting” by choosing God and Jesus Christ.  It pays eternal benefits.

Don’t text and drive unless you are ready to meet Jesus!

Drive safe everywhere you go.  Your Life Depends Upon It!

Waterfalls, travel, power feng shui, feng shui, insights

Alexandra Shaw, Ordained Minister