Miraculous Golden Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue
All Saints Catholic Church of Logansport, IN
About five years ago I was driving through Logansport, IN. with my friend Pamela; returning from a Holy Spirit Circle of her friends, close to midnight, on a full moonlit night. It was a very wonderful circle that night and many of the ladies there had received healings from God over their sorrows, broken marriages, rapes, and incest abuses. There were many tears and hugs and deliverances by God from the pains that had bound them. It was a great victory night for the Holy Spirit and the ladies that had attended.
As we came close to the All Saints Catholic Church downtown I asked Pamela to pull the car over so we could offer a few words of prayer and thanks for all of the miracles that had occurred that night. There is a glorious golden statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on a pedestal outside the church and I often stop there to pray and offer thanks when I pass through Logansport after spirit circles in the area. If I travel through in daylight I take the time to go inside to pray and light candles for my clients, family, and friends for their needs. It is a lovely church that has been restored and one can pray, light candles, leave an offering and be left alone to meditate on God.
When we stopped the church clock bells struck midnight. It was cold winter night, but we didn’t care and had the driver’s window down to be able to see the beautiful golden Jesus reflecting the full moon light. As we sat there meditating in our own silent private prayers the most bizarre thing happened. The outstretched hands and fingers of the Jesus statue began to move ever so slightly.
I thought surely I must be more tired than I had realized and blinked my eyes to see better, thinking I must be imagining what I was seeing. I looked again, and the fingers were still moving. I was freaking out. Pamela looked at me and I looked at her, but neither of us wanted to be the first to say we saw what we were actually seeing for fear of the other one thinking we must be crazy. (Pride is a very real thing, even at midnight).
Although there was wine offered at the spirit circle earlier, neither of us drank a drop that night. This was not something we could pass off as a drunken moment of wild imagination. We looked at the statue and we looked at each other, simultaneously asking the other one “What do you see?” Neither one of us could actually believe what we were seeing.
Finally, in shock, we had to admit that both of us were seeing the hands and fingers of Jesus move right before our eyes. Silence fell over us as we instantly realized we were witnessing a miracle of God. We prayed for a very long time and just watched what was happening. As we drove away, we talked about how and why we had seen this miracle. Two ordinary people on a full moon night had no logical, reasonable answer for what we had been privileged to see.
Many full moon nights that I am in Indiana I will go by the Sacred Heart of Jesus just to pray and hope to see those fingers and hands move again. Every single time, I have seen it again.
I asked God and Jesus to explain it to me. What I heard was that for a hundred years people have come here to pray and honor God and because of that faith and worship, during the three full moon nights, God anoints the statue with healing powers for all of those that come to honor Him. All of those that pass by, whether they realize it or not, are touched by this anointing of the Holy Spirit Power of God, and receive a special blessing. Their lives will begin to change as the hand of God touches them with healing and deliverance.
If you are in need of a miracle and you have the time, I highly recommend stopping by to pray with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, full moon or any time. This is a blest place of God’s power, whether you are Catholic or not. It does not.
This is a blest place of God’s power, whether you are Catholic or not. It does not matter. You will never be sorry that you did. Your faith and prayers to God are what causes the miracles to happen. God bless!