Trust the Voice of God Within, IF you ignore it, you will not be happy. Biblically it is called “reaping what you sow.” Karma will blast back to you.
Find something that encourages you, uplifts you, and changes your life. Lean into God. He will help you in all things.
Alex Shares a few Power Feng Shui Tips.
Handling your Grief. There is a point where you have to learn to live with your grief. Your loved one would not want you to waste your life being depressed.
Get a life. Have fun again. Have a playdate with your love, monthly or more.
Love your children more if nothing else. Teach them to defend themselves and handle life differently and move on. Encourage your children in God and Jesus. You and they are children of the Creator, King God Jehovah. TV will not raise them. Help them find the truth for their lives. Teach them to handle things with dignity. To do good works. Love you children. They are your legacy of love.