Power Feng Shui for Success Real Estate Tips
Wondering how to get a quick sale on your home? Moving out of town and need it to sell fast? Been laid off and facing foreclosure or bankruptcy and wondering how to keep your home? Power Feng Shui For Success Real Estate Tips can dramatically impact not only the sale, but other areas of your life as well. These concepts will enhance success in your career, your romantic life and relationships and perhaps even change the level of wealth that may be drawn to you. Slowing down the Ch’i (the cosmic breath of God), as it enters your home, will create a positive flow of energy circulating throughout, causing good fortune to come and be enticed to stay and bless not only the place, but the people living there as well.
Key principles of the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui have been used for over 5,000 years to balance and harmonize the flow of energy surrounding individuals, their homes and workplaces. Certain colors ignite energy changes while adding objects to specific areas brings about an energy transformation. We invite you to read on and learn how to use these ancient wisdoms to benefit your home and family as well.
In recent years Feng Shui has become popular in America and experts are called in to balance and harmonize the flow of energy in existing spaces and future ones as well. Balancing Ch’i (Cosmic Breath) attracts the best possible good fortune from the abundance of the Infinite Universe to improve life path and destiny, dramatically creating fresh good fortune around you. Many Fortune 500 companies and international money institutes (i.e.: Chase Bank, Citibank, Paine, Webber) and the American and Asian Wall Street Journals consult Feng Shui practitioners to align their business Ch’i for the most prosperous opportunities possible to come to them, bringing prosperity, love and relationships successes, enhanced good health, career victories, and many other steps up to success.
Not only are residents or employers and employees impacted, but also those visiting the space are benefited by experiencing the energized environment, feeling a certain “peace” within their spirit during their visit. It will positively continue to work on their energy even though they may be infrequent visitors. You will hear of improvements and advances in their lives. Feng Shui changes everything for the better.
Remember going to Grandmother’s house and smelling the freshly baked cookies before you got into the kitchen and actually saw Grandmother? Your nose and taste buds sent certain messages that created excitement and anticipation within you. You were looking forward to a wonderful experience and you received it.
Power Feng Shui for Success offers a full sensorial experience for your palette. The perfect balance of energy surrounds you in a way that is comforting and energizing as well. Applying Power Feng Shui for Success principles to real estate you own or may be considering purchasing only makes excellent business sense. The land will be harmonized with the ancient wisdoms, disciplines and customs of the Chinese, yet very much relating to 2lst century America. If you want to sell it and move on, or keep it and change the opportunities that come your way, each of the suggestions offered here will only enhance and increase every area of your life and all of those that live or work there. Transform your personal energy forever. Begin today.
The very moment a prospective buyer drives by your home, sees that “For Sale” sign, slows down to take a look, and gazes upon what you have to offer, that first impression is forever sealed into their brain. Any impression they make at that instant will either compel them to call your agent and perhaps make a deal or drive right on past and never look back. Cosmetic appearances are deal makers if they attract the eye of the beholder and draw them into the fantasy of what life will be like if they lived in such a wonderful place. The exact opposite can happen if their first impression is one of disgust. Cluttered or shaggy yards with fallen leaves or weeds growing can kill the sale. Seeing toys, bikes and sports gear stored in an orderly garage would create a feeling of good storage areas and organization already at work in this home, ready for the buyer to just place their own things there once the deal is made.
Does your home invite people to enjoy what they see, allowing their eyes to travel across your property and remember it or not? If it does not, not only will you be unhappy, if you are hoping to sell it, it may take longer than you have the time or patience to wait.
1. Front door entrance is crucial to sell a house. If at all possible paint the entry door red, even a dark scarlet or burgundy, to bring attention and real estate sales “fame” to you. If not, touch up all paint to freshen the approach to the potential sale. If there are two doors of entry, place a large plant on the side that is not used for entering, to lead visitors to the correct door. A green plant promotes growth and a string of clear Christmas lights lit at night will be as the energy of sparkling diamonds to draw abundance and prosperity. (This can be done inside too.)
2. Adding plants, (silk or real), along the driveway and sidewalk will invite the eye towards the entrance and build anticipation of what lies within. Using red and yellow flowers brings attention to the area and also distracts from things you don’t want noticed, advises the National Garden Bureau. Also, houses sell faster with yellow trim or yellow flowers in front. The yellow is the color of prosperity and the red defines recognition and fame. Choosing pink soothes people. It is the Feng Shui color for relationships Placing it near entertainment areas promotes conversations. People will try to smell pink flowers even if they are silk. Purple plants or flowers increase empowerment in all areas. Mixing small beds of purple and gold pansies on either or both sides of the driveway increases prosperity and empowerment. Use square planters, terra cotta if you want to be grounded and stay here, or metal, round, shiny pots to increase mental activity and promote sale. Long, rectangular containers, like the element of wood, promote growth. Gold ones draw prosperity. Place plants on both sides of the driveway or walk, alternating right, then left positions, spacing 5-6 feet apart. This will allow the eye to enjoy the pathway to the doorway, as it lifts their spirits, putting them in the mood to enjoy the rest of the house.
3. Clear all dead plants, trees, stumps or dried flowers away. Dead things drain all the life out of our energy and keeps negativity around us. Clean up, refresh, repot, brighten up your life and you will see tremendous differences. Add lush plants for new growth.
4. If at all possible, place a doublewide bench for Compassion to your visitors on the immediate right hand side of the porch or entry area. Even placement of a single chair, table or stool in the area immediately to the right of the sidewalk, entering the home, will show your compassion for others. Activating your compassion area will bring empowerment to you.
5. Add a wind chime near the front door to bring melodious sounds to the entry. This brings fresh Ch’i to bless and stirs up new energies for all. Buy only chimes with hollow tubes, odd numbers of 5 or 7, allowing the energy to rise through the hollow tubes to its highest level.
6. Place a mirror gazing ball near the center of the front yard to reflect good energy for your career. Gold for prosperity, blue for wisdom, red for fame and recognition, or silver for compassion and travel. Any garden decorations that create some movement of energy, even a pinwheel or whirligig placed here will stir up new vibrations. It is not necessary to spend bunches of money Look around and see what you can move and change things for the best possible positive energy.
7. A freestanding mailbox post may be wrapped with a garland of silk flowers. The cost is minimal but the effect lasts year round to lift others spirits when they see beautiful blooming flowers or plants greeting them at the curb. If you want to really see some changes, use a garland of grapes, dripping from the stems, either purple for empowerment or golden for prosperity. Ever been in Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom’s or Saks 5thAvenue and seen the grapes dripping from golden containers or brass goblets? Even in the Bible there is mention of the grapes being brought back from the Promised Land. Abundance is the Power Feng Shui message.
8. Prosperity markers draw instant notice to your doorway. Brass or gold plated doorknobs, bells, knockers, kick plates, mailboxes, address or nameplates, and dramatic entry light(s) exude a feeling of wealth, prosperity and a sense of well-being. This is the message you want to send to potential buyers, that they too can experience grandeur as they enter this home.
9. The first smell of your home as a prospective buyer enters can also make or break the sale. Walking into a home or office where the smells are fresh and create a receptive mood change us immediately. Use aromatherapy, candles, incense, or any other means to set a mood.
10. Fix all broken things or get rid of them. They only take up space and are “not working” in your life.
Using Alex’s energizing POWER FENG SHUI FOR SUCCESS REAL ESTATE TIPS will set in motion powerful changes immediately, transforming your life in the most positive sense forever. Whether you sell and move, or stay and change your good fortune, each of these helps brings a measure of success to your life.
Need some help for the inside or the outside of your home? Call Alex today. With her help, POWER FENG SHUI FOR SUCCESS becomes the language through which we can insure health, happiness and empowerment. The future is yours to build and shape, as you will. The decision is yours to make. May you have fortunate blessings always.