Fresh Flowers Bring Uplifting Ch’i Energies

Few things blast as much delightful surprise Ch’i, Cosmic Breath of God, as the occasion of a delivery of fresh cut flowers. Women and more intellectually inspired men, love flowers and the energy they bring right along with their arrival. These came for my birthday the first week of January and were gorgeous white petals with pink and hot pink tips.

My Nannaw had a greenhouse behind her garage, I went to visit her every weekend as a child and she grew hybrid varieties and sometimes they just showed up unannounced. It was great fun to wait and watch and see what appeared. Her favorites were orchids, African violets, lilies, Stars and Tigers, and of course cross-bred Irises, which made just the most gorgeous of all colors, when two of them combined their lovely colors.

She would even begin at the fence, the first week of planting and plant the first row, then on the next Good Planting Day, after consulting the Farmer’s Almanac, she would plant the next row spaced one foot away from the beginning row. This would go on for weeks and when they all began to bloom, they would bloom in a series, one row at a time, and then the next row of blooms would appear, until there were simply week after week of a blooming yard full of flowers. It was her passion, much like an orchestra conductor she said, to get them all to perform in perfect unison.

As a child I did not have a clue what all that planning meant, I only loved all the beauty of blooming flowers. Now as an adult, I truly can appreciate all she did to “orchestrate” it all, creating “blooming passion” as she called it.

Anytime you are in need of a lift for your own personal Spirit Ch’i, go and buy yourself at least one flower. Make it an exotic if you can. Get what you can afford but yet speaks to your spirit. Don’t go crazy…unless it’s your Birthday of course. Find colors that enhance the colors of The Bagua: Feng Shui Power Key that fire up the energies for you at

Even cutting flowers from your garden and gifting them to yourself is a delightful lift of Ch’i. You alone know the work that went into producing that bloom and how it grew with the Cosmic Breath of God’s Ch’i. Display them where they are visible to you for lots of your time. Their lovely blooms go away so quickly.

Either way, bought or grown, spending some time with the beauty and inspiration of real flowers, any kind, has the ability to make your day brighter. You feel loved, adored, treasured, even if you sent them to yourself.

Once when my brother had just died, my father-in-law was dying next door, my only child went off to California to be a drummer, I had a tumor, my marriage was in the dumps, the economy had dived financially and the stained glass clients I had were cutting back on their purchases, and I was ready for the funny farm, I heard Telly Savalas from an old TV show called “Kojak” say “Who loves you baby?” (Kojak fans will want to click to I started laughing hysterically, pulled my car into the florist, bought myself something fabulous, and wrote a card to myself that said “This is to you, for you, and from you. Only you know how much you deserve it.” I signed it “Love, me.”

I had it delivered the next day. I took the card off when it arrived and when my husband stopped by the stained glass studio he was very curious about the flowers. After teasing him for hours, I finally showed him the card. He was not amused, as I am sure you might imagine. I, on the other hand had a grand time + flowers and a laugh on him that I never even thought of before. I did not know he was jealous.

Ch’i changes appear instantly with fresh cut Flowers. Grab some Ch’i lifters for yourself or “gift” someone. Either way it is fun. You are expressing a desire for fresh growth (Wood Element) and the Water Element begins to “move things around your life” as you are celebrating that new growth.

Using Red (Fame/Recognition/Future), Orange (Color of Groups coming together for a purpose), or Yellow or Gold (Good Health & Prosperity) flowers bring the Fire Element, “Igniting the energies” all around you. Pinks energize Love & Relationships. White (Metal Element to get you to start thinking more), lifts up Creativity & Children & Intellectual Descendents. Purples Empowers Your Wealth & Empowerment Energies. You absolutely cannot lose with any of these choices.

If up mix up the colors of your bouquet, you are empowering all of the color Ch’i energy of each flower’s specific color.
A huge thank you to my loved ones for the flowers. I truly adored them for 12 days time. They were exactly what I needed to begin my new year. I have found that IF you change the water your fresh flowers are placed in every other day, and cut about ½ an inch off of each stem, drop an aspirin in the water too, they will last a long time for “lifting your spirits.” If you have the room in a spare refrigerator to store them at night and only enjoy them throughout the day, they may last a couple of weeks.

I sincerely encourage you to ENJOY YOUR LIFE WITH FRESH CUT FLOWERS. There is only one you and life and its experiences quickly pass us by. Live, Laugh, Love, Rejoice, Celebrate Anything for Any Reason, Bless others and yourself with Fresh Cut Flowers any chance you get. You are so worth it!

If flowers are this much fun for us only just imagine what a glorious time God had as He imagined, created and grew all of the flowers and plants of this world. Creating and painting all of the flowers, fish, fowl, animals, and reptiles must have been a rush as well. Such thought seems to have gone into all parts of Creation. Don’t you just love it? I know I do. Enjoy Creation all around you daily. It changes constantly, it would seem, for our benefit.