The idea that four archangels each represent a cardinal point is not a part of mainstream Christianity; there are no Bible verses as evidence. The association of the archangels with the four directions—as well as with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water—is a belief that comes from the Kabbalah, a religion that is thousands of years old and is the basis of Jewish mysticism.

Do you know that each of the four Archangels represent a specific cardinal point: Raphael the East, Michael the South, Gabriel the west, and Uriel the north?

I found out years ago that when I printed out their names on a piece of paper and cut them apart so I had one Angel for each wall of my bedroom that God’s Divine Protection got so much stronger and my bad dreams occurring nightly after I totaled my car in a wreck stopped immediately.

I was so inspired by this that I printed out Arch Angel Names, in a set of all four on separate pieces of paper and cut them apart and scotch taped them onto each wall of my rooms throughout the house. I positioned each Arch Angel on the wall that most closely represented the direction in my home of each of the four cardinal directions.

Things really began to change in the most positive way possible after I installed Arch Angel Protection on every wall in the house. These offer symbolic Sacred Protection Energies whether they are visible or invisible to others. Much like when you wear a Holy Cross, you can feel the protection. Holy symbols intensify the positive Holy Energies around us. You and God know they are there. That is all that is necessary.

Here is the list of all you will need. Print them out, cut them apart and tape them on all four walls of each room in your home IF you desire angel protection to be present in your home in the maximum way.

I also recommend that you print out the picture of the Stained Glass Arch Angel panels above, cut them apart and tape them over each of the specific names you have printed, so they will have further specific identity on each wall location. The beautiful Stained Glass Arch Angels are actually in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. In my opinion they are some of the most beautiful images of Arch Angels in the world.

As you place them start with the East and St. Raphael, place the East Arch Angel on the wall you feel is as close to the Easterly direction in your room as possible. Likewise, follow through with the Arch Angels in order of their direction.

It is spoken of in the Holy Bible that when God comes back for us that He will come from the East. In honor of that, I am beginning with the East, and the other directions should be placed on your walls in the order below.

East Arch Angel St. Raphael

South Arch Angel St. Michael

West Arch Angel St. Gabriel

North Arch Angel St. Uriel

After you complete positioning the Arch Angels on each appropriate wall direction, walk through your home and pray down the blessing of God upon your home, your family, your pets, your jobs, your property, your cars, and all that enter there. Say whatever prayers God is prompting to your soul. Those will be the best blessing to initiate the Blessed Protection of God, symbolized by the pictures and names of His Arch Angels.

You will feel an energy shift once you have done this blessing. It is not the pictures or the names of the Arch Angels that is causing the shift, it is you placing the Angelic protection and invoking the prayers to bring it into being actively ignited in your home’s Sacred Space by God.

May God bless you with your Arch Angel Protection Blessing for your home. God will bless all your efforts with protection over your family, pets, property and all that is contained upon your land.

If you desire to know more about the Arch Angels start online with:
If you begin to search for Angel information, there is much out there to learn from. Start with the Angel references in your Holy Bible. A Bible Concordance will help you with this. All of this can be found online.

May God Bless You in all things.

Rev. Alexandra Shaw

Rev. Alex Shaw

Rev. Alex Shaw does Angel Readings, Spirit Guides information, Guardian Angel Readings, Grief counseling and many other Spiritual and metaphysical services. Contact her for a prompt reply at 972.504.6824 or Toll Free 1.888.551.4869.