I was on my summer visit to see my family in Alexandria, Louisiana and driving around downtown to see what was new and I stopped at a stop sign and heard something saying, “Look over there.”  When I followed the soul voice I was hearing I suddenly saw this fabulous mural of God’s hand reaching down to uplift a man that was stretching out his hand to God.  Wow!

Up in the left-hand corner written very simply was the word faith. That word said it all.

How many times have you felt like you were completely alone in your struggle of life and wished God would just reach down and rescue you?  I know I have hoped for that so many times in my adult life.  Truly we are never alone, always traveling through life with our own Holy Spirit, Jesus called it the Comforter.  In St. John 16:7 it says, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”

We always have God’s precious son Jesus Christ’s Holy Ghost to turn to for help.

John 16:23 reads: “And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.”

It does not say maybe He will give it to you, or sometimes he will help you, or anything except positively “He will give it to you.”

It does not say HE will give you a Maserati.  This is about real need in your life, true healing for yourself and those you love and uplift in prayers. God is our Father.  Yes, I know that sounds formal and faraway.  God is not at a distance. He is within your soul.  He is our Heavenly Dad.  Not an earthly Dad that may or may not have been there for us through strained circumstances of our lives. He isn’t late, or too busy, or disgusted with us.  Simply be sincere, ask for forgiveness for the sin in your life, and thank Him for caring for you and forgiving you and forgive yourself, leaving all of that behind, not tormenting yourself with it any longer.  If it is good enough for God Himself to forgive us our wrongs, why would we keep hounding ourselves with guilt?  Just let it go.  In the Holy Bible it says God casts your sins into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered anymore.

Do not waste your life and time thinking of those things any longer. God isn’t. Why should you?  The answer is: Don’t!

Trust that God will bring your life out of the chaos you may have created with wrong decisions you have made and set your feet upon the solid rock of His love. He will do that for you.  It has been His plan always for us to live righteously and prosper in our soul, body, mind and spirit.  Ask, Believe, Receive, Be Grateful, Say ‘Thank You’, and go forward in your life to sin no more.

IF you continue to repeat the same sin over and over again, this is called habitual sin and then it becomes a choice in your life.  Only you can make the decision what to do and what not to do with your life.

God is not too busy to commune with your soul. He welcomes you. Trust in that.

Go forward in God and live the life you were meant to have.  Ask Him for your most benevolent outcome, better than the Highest Good, with perfect Divine Timing, His Timing for your life.  Things will change for you; doors will open, and you will see and feel a difference immediately in your soul.

This article is written on Easter Sunday morning 2019. Today is a great day to begin to live for God and Jesus Christ. They pay huge dividends for prayer and seeking them. They will protect your life and the lives of all you love. They will help with jobs, health issues, and all sorts of complications you may have created.

Oh, I also want to tell you this. God does NOT need you to waste your time trying desperately to figure out how exactly HE is going to come to your rescue. Your job is simply to stand in your Faith and go forward with the plans He has for you. HE has never once in all of the history of the world solved man’s problems with man’s suggestions.  He is God. You are not! Just go with the flow. You cannot control the outcome even if you tried.

Make a change in your life today and receive of God’s help through the presence of His son Jesus Christ in your own Holy Spirit. It will be mind blowing for you how miraculously God comes to your aid.  It always is.

Godspeed on your journey. Trust and obey. Live in honor and truth and uplift others who may need it.  It makes the answers and miracles appear so much more quickly if you do.  Go in God.  He is waiting for you.

Happy Easter to you. 2019.

Rev. Alexandra Shaw