Above all things, God does not mean you to have fear in your life. Sometimes we face seemingly impossible odds and fear (our human side) reaches out and grabs us, paralyzing us into a state of being unable to move forward in any direction. Fear does not come from God. It comes from the dark side. Any emotions that hold you in bondage and keep you from being able to function in your life and on towards your future are not from God.

When the fear begins to take hold of your feelings and you feel so alone, speak aloud Holy Names, (God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, if you are a Christian) and ask that God bind off all fear from your life. It sounds very simple, but it is extremely powerful to take control over the fears that are holding your life hostage. Read Scripture aloud and the presence of evil will flee from you. Anytime we speak to God, aloud or in our spirit, the dark side MUST FLEE. The Bible says, “Where there is Light (this means the presence of God or that we are seeking Him), there can be no darkness (No evil).”

The fear is the tormentor here. Bind it off in the Name of Jesus Christ. “Whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven.” Claim healing and deliverance from God. Refuse to allow yourself to be tormented by this. The enemy (evil, Satan, the tormentor, whatever name you wish to call this) would love you to feel isolated, alone and turn away from God. Defeat of your spirit is the entire purpose here from evil. If you begin to believe that God does not care and that you don’t matter, you would no longer seek Him. That is evil’s entire purpose, to separate you from the love of God and His blessings of help and healing for you.

When your panic fires up and you feel helpless, call on God, bind your fears off and ask yourself these questions. (1.) Am I in physical danger here right now, at this very moment? The answer is usually “No!” We are rarely in that kind of danger. (2) Will the circumstances at this moment affect me one year from today? Will what is happening to me right now make any difference to me one year from today?

If the answer is “yes,” pray, ask God’s leading, and be very careful what you do at that moment. Usually, the answer is “no,” it won’t make a bit of difference one year from now what you do at that moment.

You cannot allow that moment of fear to take hold of your life and control you for the rest of your life. It will do just that if you let it. Pray, bind off all evil that would defeat you and take control back of your life. We give in to these moments of terror and panic and allow them to control us, when all we have to do is realize “WE ARE IN CHARGE of our emotions, not the emotion of fear in charge of us.”

All of us have angels God assigns to us before we are born. Researching many books written about angels, most sources agree we have at least 22 in our lifetime that come whenever there is a specific need for their presence. They come when there is a need or when you summon them by asking them to come to your aid.

Ask them to make themselves known to you and they will do so. Ask also that they will make ways through the power of God for you to be victorious over your fears.

Death is the unknown. We all, at one time or another, fear death. From the moment we are born, we are on a path that will very likely end someday-in death. It is the natural order of things on this planet. There is nothing we can do about it except try to live in an honorable way, seeking God for our pathway and deliverance and expect Him to help us. He will do that. “He will make a way where there is none.”

Fearing the unknown is human. We are human. Limiting yourself to thinking, you are controlled by this fear and it owns you are not a way for you to enjoy a healthy freedom in your spirit for God to work for you.

Let go of your fears and take control back of your life. Giving in to these will only make you more of a victim. God never intends us to be a victim. Sometimes others try to make this happen for us, but ultimately, we are the ones that give away our personal power over our lives, not God.

Being religious is not necessarily the answer. Seeking God, asking for forgiveness over the past failures or wrongs we may have committed, and going forward in faith that He will make a way for us will change our lives tremendously. People seem to think that God only works in church. Remember the stories of Jesus’ time upon the Earth? He rarely went to church. He went out among the people to pray and perform miracles and to share His faith and peace with them. Most important, He wanted to share salvation of our souls for eternity with us.

I am not against church. I am for any assembling of like-kind spirits together to seek God and ask His help and blessings, and to worship and give Him honor. Living a life of honor, obeying the Commandments (no lying, stealing, cheating or screwing around!), and keeping an open line of communication of your Holy Spirit with God will make anyone’s life completely different.

As you are seeking answers from God, He will not disappoint you. Sometimes His answer is, “Make your own choice and I will be there to help you see it through.”

I pray that He will make His presence known to you through His Holy Power and by His angels.

People that speak of out-of-body or near-death experiences often tell of someone they know from their own life, who has already passed on to the other side, there to greet them, at that moment of death. We really have no other information we can depend on as humans, except these times others speak of and our own faith. “God will not leave us nor forsake us,” even in death.

Be assured He will be there to help you in that time. It is a long time away. Live to enjoy the moments that God has given you. Enjoy the gifts in your life that He has placed there for you. You are only limiting yourself by giving such power to the emotion of fear.

Never allow it to control you again.

May God Himself be with you now and always!
