Now is the time for all good men, women & children to come to the aid of their country. . .

Little did I know years ago in typing class that the first thing I ever learned to type was going to become a desperate battle cry among Americans by the year 2007. We are in a battle, whether we lived in the Gulf Coast, had family or loved ones there, have lost a precious loved one, or simply cried along with the news each day at the massive tragedies that are consuming our Home Land this and every single day. There are catastrophes every day of fires, floods, mudslides, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and other natural or man-made disasters. People are killed daily or trapped in suffering and death.

There is SOMETHING you can do! There is something your children can do! Find it now and go and commit yourself to helping, loving, blessing, encouraging others and finding a hands-on charity to give of yourself until you feel you’ve genuinely helped someone other than yourself and you can feel good about what you have done for another. That is the way it is supposed to be.

Now is the time for all good men and women and children to come to the aid of their country.

There are literally thousands of young men and women here in America and in Iraq and Afghanistan and all over the world that have chosen to give their lives in a sacrifice for our very freedoms here in this Country so we are still free.

Pray for these people, pray for their families and their fears and worse, the losses they have suffered and many will still suffer in the times to come. All of us are touched by the deaths of these precious, courageous lives as they go forward daily to keep us safe. Were it not for them, where would we be in this country?

Find a way to “do something” for them. Visit their families, take gifts, hug and love them and “thank them” for their sacrifices as well. Send gifts through the USO or any other charity organization that is doing their best to help these young people. Visit the VA hospitals, write a check, DO SOMETHING.

It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with our government; you are STILL RECEIVING THE PROTECTION OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That should be worth something.

Our government services are working daily here in America to protect you, our borders, our planes, trains, and all other means of life here so you may be free.

Show some appreciation today. Do something besides complain. Give until it hurts. Find a way to make a difference in someone’s life besides your own.

We were not put here to simply live alone. We were fortunate enough to be born in America and to be free by the forethought of our founding fathers that conceived our Constitution of the United States. Our military protects us. Show some respect. Isn’t it time? What will you do today to show some gratitude for your freedom besides argue, complain or criticize? Doesn’t your freedom have a price? Shouldn’t you be making payments on it as well?

Let your conscious be your guide. Show appreciation for something outside of yourself and your little tiny world of your own making. The world of America is a lot bigger picture than that shown on the evening news. Get out and do something, NOW! You will be glad you did.