“Live Like You Were Dying” – Not Just a Tim McGraw Song

January 2005

One day I was cut off by an ambulance on the way to work and the number on the back of it was #47, my birth year. Next day a fire truck nearly hit me & on the back was again #47, my birth year. I went to the movies the next day, as I entered I heard Tim McGraw beginning “Live like you were dying…” I visited the movies the next week & exactly the same thing happened. As I entered another movie theater, “Live like you were dying” began to play. The next night I started coughing up blood. Hoping it was a fluke I refused to go to the hospital. Three weeks later I was coughing up blood again with vertigo so bad I kept falling.

This time I spent all night in the Emergency Clinic. An x-ray showed a spot on my lung. “Wait 30 days & come back to see if it has grown and needs treatment,” I was told. No more.

I called the people I KNEW would pray for my healing, light candles and wait with me. God sent me word from a client that had the same thing and it checked out negative. I knew I was getting a sign of encouragement from God not to freak out. At the next x-ray the spot was completely GONE. God did a huge healing for me. Now I have a second chance to live. I want to be thankful every single day and truly “Live Like I Were Dying…”


Update Sept. 2007…

Nancilee Wydra’s Inspiration…

When I was coughing up blood 2 1/2 years ago, an x-ray showed a spot on my lung.

“Wait 30 days & come back to see if it has grown & needs treatment,” I was told. No more.

I called the people I KNEW would pray for my healing & light candles & wait with me. One of them was Nancilee Wydra, my Pyramid Feng Shui teacher & mentor. She sent me an e-mail that I printed out and keep posted beside my computer since that time. She wrote the most incredibly inspiring words to me that inspire me every single day of my life & gave me the strength that I believe brought my healing.2-28-2005

Darling, surround yourself with your own power, light and goodness and create a scenario that obliterates all inside that dares interrupt your happy days.

