The Color Blue Helps Children Change Their Study Habits, Focus on Spending More Time Alone for Homework, & Builds Self-Esteem
Over the last few years I have worked with three different Moms that each had children that were slipping in their study habits, their ability to focus and concentrate, and generally doing poorly in all academic endeavors. The children lived in Indiana, Florida and Minnesota. Each was between eight and eleven years old and all were boys, losing interest in school and becoming more and more frustrated. I knew from my studies with Nancilee Wydra of Pyramid Feng Shui that the color blue would be able to save the day. It is the color used to bring Wisdom and Knowledge.
In my very first class through the Feng Shui Institute of America Nancilee reminded us that little boys always classically wear shades of blue in their clothing. The color blue is a color of isolation. It causes you to digest your food more slowly if you are sitting in a blue room, stay more to yourself if you are wearing blue colors of clothing, and assist with meditation, as one does in contemplating a blue sky. It draws us inward. Even airports, trains, buses and elevators use blue for a sense of calming people down and to imbue a public space with a sense of importance. It adds mystery, creates privacy and can facilitate a solo journey along a pathway.
She went on to say how little girls are primarily dressed in pink, the color of relationships and love. “Little girls talk, talk, and talk about everything. Little boys find it harder to discuss their innermost feelings and often suppress their emotions. Could it be that as a society we are reinforcing closing up emotionally with little boys simply by dressing them in blue? Men always have a much more difficult time expressing their emotions. It is something to think about.”
As each Mom called with concern for her son’s dilemma I asked what color the bedroom was for their child. All were white which would normally cause more mental reflection and activity of thoughts. White rooms cause you to “think, think, and think” but not necessarily to be focused with all of that thought: thinking of playing, watching television, seeing friends, just thinking about anything but school work.
I recommended that each boy’s room be repainted with a blue that was just a shade lighter than robin’s egg blue. Wal-Mart’s Blue Lightning, Color Place # 91443 was just the right choice, and was available in every state for my clients. The Blue Lightning was just the right color to “promote or project seriousness of purpose” and “suggest quality and facilitate the concentration needed in workrooms” suggested by all of the Feng Shui Institute of America books written by Nancilee. I knew it would work to get the job done.
After painting, creating a desk/study area just to the immediate left side of the room as the child enters their room locates the child’s study activities in the Wisdom/Knowledge area. This would be the best spot for all serious studies to be done within the room.
Even if you use only a simple desk and chair set up, place shelves directly above the area and place every award or study related reward certificates, ribbons, photos or mementos of any achievement on those shelves for your child to see and be visually reminded “You can do it, you are an achiever, you are the best,” is the message you are reinforcing here. Symbolically you are “lifting up for recognition, all of their achievements.”
Each Mom called back in only just a few days to tell me the Blue Lightning was magically working to help her child study and want to concentrate on the work and get better in school. Was it magic or simply the mood of the color blue once again serving its purpose to cocoon an environment for the “privacy to facilitate a solo journey along a pathway” as Nancilee suggests. In all of these cases the color of blue was used to connect to life’s pathway to achieve and receive the concentration that is so necessary for a successful life. Experiment with your child’s Wisdom/Knowledge area. Be delighted with the results.