Welcome to Your Personal Vision Quest
Are you interested in moving higher up the spiritual plane to a different level of wisdom for your own personal and professional life? Most people that are concerned with being the best they can be and achieving all they possibly can in this lifetime have already taken a realistic look at their “spirit work”. They may have tried yoga, or meditation or fasting and get a few results but really no clear answers. We are fascinated with wisdom and especially intuitive wisdom. It does not have to be a mystery to you any longer.
There are many areas where you may improve your state of mind, your personal sacred space and increase your sensitivity to your Holy Spirit and the spirit of others around you. Learning to approach one area in your life at a time is the most successful direction to go with this vision quest. It is impossible to achieve if you are scattered in ten different directions. Start with one commitment to do something just for you, yourself. As you grow and cleanse your space and life, it will have a ripple effect on those around you. In the healing of your spirit in the journey toward completeness, you may make many changes that will be dramatic or tiny. Each change reflects a different approach or philosophy that may seem strange to you in the beginning.
I encourage you to simply be open to trying new and different things, before you judge them to be ineffective for you. Often the tiniest difference can result in blessings you never even imagined could be achieved. Come with me now on a journey that will change your life forever. Trust your Holy Spirit. After all, it brought you here for a reason. Learning to trust your personal intuitive wisdom is the key. It will never betray you or disappoint you. It is the key to spiritual growth. Wisdom cannot be bought. It is a priceless treasure that must be sought, pursued, and finally “owned” by your own personal sense of spirit. What are you waiting for? Let us begin now on your most important journey of a lifetime.
Throughout our life we get little signals from our Holy Spirit or soul. Sometimes we get a feeling not to trust someone or we hear a voice in our heads that says, “Liar, liar, liar,” and we just know we have finally flipped out and are imagining things. If we go ahead and refuse to trust that feeling that is warning us not to trust, it often turns out badly for us. We either get taken advantage of or ripped off in some way. We have the warning, but for whatever reason, we just don’t go with it. Self-doubt fills us and we are defeated before we ever get started. We do not have the confidence in our soul sending us these messages and often tend to totally ignore it, thinking we must be crazy. This is a very human response. Why would we trust a voice or feeling that is inside our head? Where could it be coming from? Why would we be hearing it?
As individuals, for whatever reason, as we grow up and gain knowledge, sometimes we do not have the confidence or personal belief within ourselves that we are able to make good, solid judgments. We agonize and fret over every issue and doubt that we will have the ability to make the best choice when the time arrives to do so. In the teachings we receive from our parents or other influential people, often the best intentions are there, but as we hear things like, “I know you will do better next time,” or “I really expected more from you,” or worse, “You’ll never learn to do it right.” We somehow feel that our decision-making abilities aren’t good or that we probably can’t make a good decision anyway. Nothing could be further from the truth. Parents intend to bring us up to a higher level of achievement by saying these things to us. They hope to motivate us to be better than we are at the moment when they deliver these messages, however, it may have a powerful impact on our belief in ourselves and our ability from that time forward.
Do you remember making your bed for the first time and thinking you had done such a great job? You were so proud and then your parent came in to look it over. Perhaps they fussed over your efforts and complimented your work. If they did, it gave you encouragement and instilled confidence in your abilities to achieve the task at hand. But what if when they saw your work they ripped it apart, began to remake it themselves, and said things like, “This will never do. Don’t you see these two wrinkles right down the middle of the covers? You can never get it right. I’ll just do it myself since you don’t seem to be able to. That way I know it will be perfect.”
After hearing remarks like this or similar to those in nature, somehow it did not seem quite as good as you had first thought. Not only did the parent in that instant, discredit your abilities, they may have unknowingly set up a pattern inside of your head for you to feel failure in your efforts.
Realize it is not only the one instance of making your bed where you question yourself. It is a lifetime of scenarios where you are looking for that imaginary wrinkle in every situation. You just know you have made the wrong choice or have overlooked something or have that sinking feeling that “You can never get it right.” This may have become a learned behavior skill long ago when your abilities were questioned. If that is true, how could you trust your internal wisdom? Someone in authority has already let you know just how invalid you are, how poor your choices or abilities are, and armed with that information, you rush blindly ahead feeling no confidence or self-worth for the rest of your life.
Learning to trust the wisdom within your soul is the key to taking control of your life. Your higher soul, the Holy Spirit part will lead you and guide you, if you will only believe in yourself and allow it to do this for you. Your soul will not steer you in the wrong direction. On the contrary, the trust you place within your personal, protective power of soul will never betray you. It was placed there by God to be a help to you, an inner gauge of reality so to speak, and give you the ability to make the best choices for now and the rest of your lifetime. Imagine having something that would only help and bless you, just waiting for the opportunity to be called upon to do so. Does that seem unrealistic? Perhaps to your logic and reason left-brain function this would be a stretch of the imagination. Only trusting what you can see has been taught to us from the beginning. How could we ever just “feel” our next move or answer to a decision we must make? Is that possible? It most assuredly is possible and that soul message will be the correct one just for you.
A higher self of enlightenment exists within each of us. We may doubt it, but it remains there nevertheless. If we connect to that “light of wisdom” within us, the decisions will be much easier to make, less complicated, and will prove out to be the right ones for our personal or professional lives.
To begin, find a quiet place to be alone. You may go physically to a park or a beach, or even your easy chair, but find that moment to be alone with your thoughts. The place must be non-threatening and have a feeling of peace and contentment around you. It is much easier to hear your “inner voice” in this state than any other. This also can be a non-physical place. A place inside your head where you are free from others influence. Lying on your bed at night, after the day’s work, sorting your thoughts is as good of a place to begin as any other.
Close you eyes, stretch out comfortably and begin to clear your head of all of the endless mind chatter that exists there. Tell your spirit to just stop thinking about all of the endless nonsense that rattles on so loudly and crowds your calmness completely out. Refuse to let it send your mind in a million different ways to sift and sort out all the events of the day. Just allowing your body to feel the quiet inside of your head, and think of absolutely nothing. It is harder than it sounds I realize, but try to just let your mind idle. It’s exactly like your car engine idling. It is running, ready at a moment’s notice to perform; yet it is just waiting on you to decide which direction to go. Your mind is under your control.
It follows the orders you give it and will obey as you direct it. If you give it the command to clear all thoughts, it will follow that command. . Shutting down the chatter may take a few minutes time, but with a little practice, you will be able to go into the “alpha state” of consciousness with little trouble, anytime or anywhere you may be. The “alpha” is a free-floating state within your mind that allows you to “coast” and then receive that information you need to from your soul. Seemingly, your soul will guide you where you need to go automatically, when entering this state.
Take a few deep breaths. Feel your breath pulling into your body, hold it there for a few seconds, and then concentrate on releasing that breath. If you imagine a cleansing taking place inside of the physical body and in the inner recesses of your mind, by doing this simple breath work task, you will begin to feel differently. A clean, light feeling seems to be pulled inside and a sense of freshness follows that gives you a sort of internal purification. The visualization of the clean air entering your body and going to all of the necessary parts to cleanse and heal begins to actually happen as you breathe in and out.
Take several minutes to do this exercise. Let the calming effect of the simple breathing process flow over you, inside and out. As this happens, a peaceful state is achieved and you are in “alpha”. There is no wrong way to do this.
Allow your mind to just rest and focus on the soul within you. Visualize your soul carrying the messages and questions you have directly to the God source and then bringing back the answers. Ask for direction and wisdom that you need to go forward in your life and the power to be able to accept that knowledge and discern it for yourself when it comes. Most important ask your soul to receive from God only what He has for you to receive and nothing more. You do not want to pick up any negativity from your own thoughts or feelings. You want only the most pure level of high soul energy to bless you. This is called your “higher self”. Through seeking your “higher self” you are asking your soul what it has to tell you.
As you experience this new level, you may think of things you have not thought of in a while or things you have never given any thought to. A person may come to your mind that you have not heard from in ages. Whatever thoughts come to you, your soul is taking you to that area for a reason. It may not be something you readily understand, but give it a chance to express the information to you before you toss it aside and try to go on to the next set of thoughts. Alpha state receiving from your soul may direct you toward making new conclusions and throwing out the old ones you previously held as right for you. It teaches you to slow down and listen with your inner soul voice to the things that are trying to make themselves heard inside your very being.
Some individuals may find that by writing down these thoughts or feelings in a journal-like entry in a separate book just for this soul wisdom, may be the best way to remember it. It helps to write down the thoughts as you receive them, letting them flow and not trying to remember them at that time. Just write them down. They may make little or no sense at that time, but just try to receive them. You may hear a few words or sentences and then nothing else. Ask your soul to help you with this. There is no test over this material. You are not competing with anyone else. This is just you and your higher self in communication as you address your soul. Don’t allow yourself to judge your progress. The thoughts that come will be the thoughts you need to concentrate on. It may seem like they are insignificant to you, but remember, your soul is guiding this meditation or time of seeking, not your conscious self. The entire reason you are seeking more is for an insider’s look from your soul, not dictating what, where or why from what you already know.
If your soul leads you to consider something you have not been open to before then by all means consider the new information. There is a purpose for your receiving it. Pray or meditate on the subject matter and then be led to make the changes or pursue the new direction or point of view that may have come to you. Start slowly and open up to the new things that your soul will lead you to.
You may receive a message to call someone or pray for his or her needs. This soul communication will lead you to the right area that you personally may need to consider. Sometimes the answers to dilemmas or solutions to problems come through at this soul searching, alpha state meditation time.
Whatever you receive, write it down lay it aside and pick it up again tomorrow after you have rested. When you are fresh into a new day sometimes the communication you receive becomes even more clear for you. Don’t discount any partial sentences or words or names. When you are looking over your soul’s communication, perhaps that one name will be the name of the person that you need to hold up in prayer and mediation to God.
Many clients that I have shared this technique with report a wonderful channel from the God Spirit through their soul to help them feel much more in contact with their Higher Power and their inner being of soul. Some use this channeling method to work with their angels. It is a great way to get the spiritual encouragement and wisdom you may seek as well.
If it is angels you wish to address with your journalizing then write down a greeting, thank them for helping you and ask them to make themselves known to you in the writings. As God’s messengers they are able to bring those communications from Him through your Holy Spirit for you to discern. They will be glad to help you with this. As servants of God, they are only too happy to help bring us closer to a better relationship with Him. Often the angels will bring messages of hope or joy to bless you. They are not creatures of darkness so if you should receive anything negative stop and say a quick prayer. Ask that you get only the right and true information and that all evil or dark influences are bound off of you. When you do this it clears all negativity or darkness of spirit and opens your wisdom to the most positive connection. Then it will be possible for you to connect to the inspired messages that you are meant to receive.
Don’t expect long, detailed messages in the beginning. A few simple words may be what you receive at first. As you work with your angels, it will improve and get more clear and detailed for you. Just begin simply. Don’t fret or get anxious. Angel communication is for joy and peace that will bring us the hope we sometimes need to continue on our pathway. Relax and enjoy this quiet time, alone with your soul and the presence of angels, as you visualize yourself surrounded by the Holy Power of God’s Spirit. It will be a blessing of peace upon you.
This type of channeling or communication is called angel writings. When you are tuning into your soul’s spirit and do this type journalizing it is sometimes called automatic writing. Many people wrongly believe that automatic writing is evil, or by practicing this technique they would open up their spirit to channeling evil. There is nothing evil about seeking your Higher Power’s wisdom by seeking it in this manner. Often when we are very anxious or on edge it is very difficult to focus in prayer because the stresses will overwhelm your thinking process and give you so much mind chatter you cannot concentrate. By sitting down and writing your requests to God, Jesus, or angels you are specifically addressing these Holy Spirit entities. You are not leaving yourself open to be misled by evil. You are seeking God’s Power in some form to come and aid and assist you with your life’s circumstances. When you take the time to just think about what you are writing and what you are asking, and then write it down, it helps to clear all of the junk out of your head. This will leave your spirit open to receive what you are seeking.
Pray about what you receive and ask that the meanings of it all be crystal clear for you. Pray also that you be led by the Holy Spirit to follow through and have the courage to make the necessary changes or do the work that you feel you are being led to do. Always discern for yourself. † Ask God, not man to help you. Man may mislead you for selfish purposes. God will not.
As you become more practiced with receiving your Spirit communications it will be a very positive blessing upon your spirit. It will help to calm you in the midst of any type of turmoil that may surround you. Learn of God, through channeling His wisdom just for yourself. It will give you the confidence you need to carry on with all of the other details you must see to in your life.
For some people journalizing their prayers, daily or weekly is a key factor in finding an ongoing, on purpose relationship with God. No one has time to pray. We have lives to see to, jobs to go to and children to raise. There is very little sit down time to just chill. If you want to see a difference in your life and feel a closeness with the Holy Spirit as never before, this is an excellent way to get started. You can sit down at your computer and start today. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Be led by your spirit and open up to your soul’s communication. God will bless you for your efforts.
As you see miracles happen that you prayed for and were spoken of in your writings, go back to your prayer journal and mark the dates deliverance occurred in red. It will help you see just how quickly you received help from God.
Seek Him with an honest heart and He will give you miracles for your life and the lives of your love ones you would have never dreamed possible.
What are you waiting for? Tuning up your spirit with journalization is a primary key to unlocking your spirit and releasing it to be all it can be.
† Note: I. Corinthians 12:10 “discerning of spirits”.